The F40 in the Sky Shot by 3 electronically-synchronised Hasselblad ELMs, each with different settings and lenses. Jumping into the specially made infrared trap, the F40 triggered the camera trio and activated the flash to increase brightness. Location: forever a Günther’s secret. Scanning of the film exposure was not retouched.

The F40 in the Water Shot by 3 electronically-synchronised Hasselblad ELMs, but with different settings. A mobile flash system was custom-made by Günther. Location: a small airfield west of Stuttgart, Germany. Also in attendance was the fire brigade, as every passage of the F40 required more than 900 litres of water! Scanning of the film exposure was not retouched.

The F40 on Fire A real moving picture! Shot by 3 electronically-synchronised Hasselblad ELMs, each with different settings and lenses. Günther mounted the cameras on a bank which pivoted on a stand. A machine built by a movie special effects team generated the fire. Scanning of the film exposure was not retouched.